The Brookdale Club is a members social Club with many different activities, from Bowling and Bridge to Theatre and Travel. It is proud of its history and its aims – A club for Members run by the Members.
Members join the club for an annual fee and then join sections as the wish. Sections charge between £1 and £5 a year to cover their admin.
All club members can attend any (or all) COFFEE MORNING without being a member of that section.
People often drive past and wonder what goes on at “The Brookdale”. It is a club made up of many sections (see our SECTIONS page) with each section having its own committee which determines the activities of that section. There are also a number of club wide functions from a New Year Ball to a Charity Day.
After paying a single membership fee, you can then join any number of club sections.
To join us or for further information call 0161 302 2 302 (Option 4).
The Club is situated in the South Stockport area on Bridge Lane, Bramhall SK7 3AB
Contact 0161 302 2 302
Bookings for any production may be made anytime via 0161 302 2 302
(voicemail available)
In person every Saturday morning 10.00 until 12 noon
and every
performance day from 6.00pm
Season tickets also available from the theatre box office.